Page management
If the following icons do not appear, the page may not be saved, usually because it is a fixed 'system' page. This tutorial page is an example.
Save changes Click to save your changes on our server. Your old page is still the only one that your web site visitors can see.
New page Click to create a page that will not be accessible via the menu. Use this function for pages that will be accessed by links within other pages. The main use is for creating pages that will be accessed via an events table.
Delete Click to permanently delete this page. Be careful! This will delete the published page and remove any menu links to it. Only appears when relevant.
Revert to published page Click to revert to the published page. Any changes made to the current page will be lost. Only appears when relevant.
Revert to backup page Click to revert to the backup of your edited page. Only appears when relevant.
Publish Click to publish your last saved page. Any current changes that you make will be lost! In other words, save your changes before publishing. This is to obviate any corruption of the file as it is sent to our server. Only appears when relevant. If you are an Editor, the Administrator may require you to submit your pages to a Moderator for approval, prior to publication. If this is the case, you will receive a message to that effect when you click on Publish.
Unpublish Click to make a page unavailable unless logged in. Only appears when relevant. Note that sub-menu pages and hidden pages will need to be individually unpublished if you unpublish a main menu page. The sub-menu will not be visible but pages will still be available when the URL is entered into the browser address bar (via a bookmark for example). Any links to unpublished pages within other pages should be manually removed. You will not be able to unpublish a page if you are an Editor who is required to submit pages to a Moderator for approval.
- Each time you save a page, the changes are written to our server and your browser will reload the page. Do check that the page has been saved correctly before you publish it. Watch for any error message in the Control Panel.
- You may need to set your options from the Tools menu Internet Options... under the General tab, in Temporary Internet files click on Settings and under Check for newer versions of stored pages: check on Automatically.
Menu control
New menu entry Click to insert a new menu entry following the current menu item. A dialogue box will open for entry of the menu text. A blank page will be created, with a heading that is the same as the menu text. At this point, the new menu will not be visible to your visitors and the blank page will not be saved. Once you have added content to this new page and saved it, click on
Publish to make the page and the new menu item visible to your visitors.
Rename Menu Click to rename the current menu item. You may also edit the current hover text. This is effective immediately.
Move Menu Click to move the current menu item down the page. If you are using a horizontal menu, the menu item will move right, if your Home menu is on the left of the page, and vice-versa. This is effective immediately.
Move Menu Click to move the current menu item up the page. If you are using a horizontal menu, the menu item will move left, if your Home menu is on the left of the page, and vice-versa. This is effective immediately.
New sub-menu entry This is the same as creating a new main menu item.
- Some of the menu control buttons may not be available to you if you are not the Administrator.
Edit the HTML code
If you are proficient in HTML you may edit the code. If you are at all unsure, leave it alone! If you would like to learn to write HTML, go to your local bookshop and ask for "HTML for the World Wide Web" by Elizabeth Castro.
View html/page Click to view the HTML that makes up your page. This can be useful when you want a particular placement of an image or particular attribute of an object that is not available via the Control Panel. Scripts are not supported.