Message in a Bottle
Message in a Bottle - a project in which Lions Clubs throughout the Country are involved. The object of the project is to assist the emergency services by having a 'Bottle' in the Fridge with full details of the individuals medication, next of kin, Doctors contact details etc etc to hand in the event of an emergency, thereby saving valuable time at what could be a stressful situation.
Each plastic bottle contains two labels with the green cross on, one is placed on the inside of your front door, the other on the outside of your fridge. Inside the bottle is a form which you complete and then return to the bottle. We also suggest that you put your latest prescription inside the bottle which assists the emergency services and could save valuable time in assessing the situation. It also enables you to know just where your prescription is when it comes up for renewal - in the MiaB bottle in the fridge! This project is recognised by all the emergency services and having one could be your 'lifesaver'. If you or any member of your family/friends takes regular medication we recommend you have one in your fridge - call us on 0345 833 7402 or click on CONTACT US.